Acceptable Use Policy

Please see the IT web site for the full text of the Acceptable Use Policy.

10. Internet Content Filtering

In accordance and agreement with Olivet’s beliefs, principles, and community expectations
outlined in the University Life Handbook, Information Technology will continuously monitor
and filter access to websites that are pornographic in nature or are deemed inappropriate for
the Olivet community.

A third-party service monitors Internet sites around the world and provides Olivet with
regular updates of these sites. This third-party service assigns these sites to categories.
Information Technology filters entire categories that contain content that is contrary to the
spiritual principles of the University.

Occasionally, legitimate sites are blocked. Information Technology staff may investigate sites
that users feel should or should not be blocked. If a user discovers a site that should not be
blocked, the individual should add a support ticket by e-mailing When
contacting Information Technology, remember a real person responds to these e-mails and
will try to help. Please be courteous and civil in your communications.

To investigate sites that should not be blocked, the following information must be included in
the e-mail:

  1. To ensure messages are coming from on campus, an Olivet e-mail account must be used.
  2. The exact URL being blocked
  3. A simple explanation why this page should not be blocked.

If these conditions are not met, the request will be delayed or discarded. Any request sent
using a rude, derogatory, uncivil language or tone will be disregarded and a copy
of the communication will be sent to the Director of Information Technology for further action.
The student may be subject to further disciplinary action by the Office of Student

11. File and Music Sharing Applications

It is University policy to prohibit the unauthorized exchange of copyrighted materials over
any medium. Information concerning persons using file sharing programs may be given to
authorities without the user’s knowledge. Pay-for download services such as I-Tunes and
Napster are allowed on a limited basis.